Purchase furniture from IU Surplus
IU has established a sustainable procurement policy with respect to paper and products as well as all energy consuming devices and appliances.
The Office of Procurement Services recommends buying sustainable products with the labels and certifications included in the link below.
Before purchasing a new item, visit IU Surplus for deep savings! IU Surplus carries desks, chairs, fixtures, office supplies, and much more.
Recycled paper takes a circular journey, rather than a linear flow from logging to landfill. Reprocessing used paper curtails extraction of virgin feedstock and lowers emissions.
Paul Hawken, Drawdown
Purchase furniture from IU Surplus
Look for products with the EPA Safer Choice label
Purchase paper with post-consumer recycled content
IU Bloomington Sustainability
Office of Sustainability
704 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: 812.855.9195