
While sweeping in scope, these indicators also serve as guideposts when approaching our work, and accountability measures when sharing our progress.

IU participates in Sustainability Tracking,Assessment and Rating System (STARS), a self-reporting tool used by higher-education institutions to measure their sustainability progress, through the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). It is a way to encourage information-sharing and allows us to compare our institution to those of our peers. IU is making tremendous strides. Our IU Bloomington sustainability rating continues to place at the gold level, according to AASHE, giving IU the highest rating in the Big Ten Conference.

Learn more about our recent STARS rating

Highlights from IU's recent STARS rating

6%reduction per person in waste generated

73%of students are using active transportation

17% less energy consumption per square foot

Supporting an innovative future

As we work to make IU a leader in campus sustainability, the Provost has allocated $50,000 per year from fall 2016 to spring 2019, to support the new IU Sustainability Innovation Fund.

The Innovation Fund supports IU Bicentennial Strategic Plan Priority Three, “Catalyzing Research,” offering “support for innovative campus living laboratory initiatives that provide opportunities to integrate campus operations, faculty and student research, education, student life, and community engagement to applied, solutions-oriented sustainability research.”

Learn more about the Innovation Fund

IU Bloomington Sustainability

Office of Sustainability
704 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: 812.855.9195