
Progress Indicators

Percent of food sourced locally.
Percent of food purchased that qualifies as REAL food
Percent of food purchased that can be identified as plant-based 


*for clearer depiction of progress, percentages placed on a 25% scale*

Partnering across campus to create a more sustainable food system

Ostrom Workshop Program in Food and Agrarian Systems

The Ostrom Workshop Program in Food and Agrarian Systems at Indiana University studies the social dimensions of food sustainability including culture, equity, and justice in food provisioning from local to global. Collaborations across campus meet the need for systems level research to address complex social-ecological systems.

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IU Dining

IU Dining is working to increase the amount of food sourced locally and responsibly, as well as reduce the amount of food waste on campus.

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Center for Rural Engagement

The Center for Rural Engagement is working with IU students, faculty, and staff to collaborate on issues facing rural communities in Indiana. Through research, teaching and service, the CRE seeks to address a wide range of challenges, "from addiction to the arts."

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Herb Garden at Hilltop

Hilltop Garden and Nature Center serves as an educational and recreational resource for youth gardening, Indiana University students and staff, and the surrounding community to learn about gardening and to connect with nature.

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Crimson Cupboard

Crimson Cupboard offers free healthy food to IU Bloomington students who are struggling with food insecurity. Stocked by donations and staffed by volunteers, this special food pantry lessens the effects of poverty and food insecurity in our community.

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Fair Trade fairtrade.png

Ecologically Soundeco-sound.png

Individuals involved in food production work in safe and fair conditions, receive fair compensation, are ensured the right to organize and the right to a grievance process, and have equal opportunity for employment.Practicing environmental stewardship that conserves biodiversity and ecosystem resilience and preserves natural resources. Production practices minimize toxic substances, greenhouse gas emissions, natural resource depletion, and environmental degradation. 



Foods that can be traced to nearby farms, ranches, boats, and businesses that are locally owned and operated. Supporting small and mid-size food businesses challenges trends towards consolidation in the food industry and supports local economies.Animals have their mental, physical, and behavioral needs met in a low-stress environment and throughout their life are only administered drugs for treatment of diagnosed illness or disease.
Table showing percentage of Real Food purchased at IU during 6 fiscal years (2017-22)

Working to increase the ethics, equity, and ecological integrity of our food choices.

At the intersection of social and environmental sustainability, our food system has widespread impacts on people, animals, and natural resources.  

IU Bloomington Sustainability

Office of Sustainability
704 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: 812.855.9195